It sounds like Xbox isn’t going to heavily market Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as a Day One release on Game Pass. While the feature is important to subscribers, it’s no doubt a double-edged sword for developers, as they simply don’t get the same financial benefit from releasing their game on the platform’s service, mostly relying heavily on player attention and passive marketing.
During an episode of the Iron Lords Podcast (via Pure Xbox), its host talked with nameless Treyarch, some of which know it’s a big deal, but also notes to not expect a massive marketing push like they normally do.
It should be underlined that these are rumored conversations that can’t be verified, but we wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox does stuff down the Day One aspect of Game Pass for COD. We doubt this will destroy the franchise’s sales numbers, as it will continue to release on competing platforms, but we also can expect that maybe the native platform of Xbox — and perhaps PC — might be a little lighter compared to their competition.