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Cutesy Hack-And-Slash Gori: Cuddly Carnage Dives Into Backstory In New Trailer

The cutesy hack-and-slash, Gori: Cuddly Carnage dives into the backstory of the Adorable Army, a collective of bloodthirsty toy unicorns that eliminated humanity. It also introduces us to CH1-P, the obligatory AI companion aboard the spaceship… because what absurd hack-and-slash is complete without a spaceship?

A recent video released by publisher Wired Productions (thanks PSX Extreme) with the foul-mouthed hoverboard F.R.A.N.K. giving us the lowdown on what happened to humanity. In short, a virus infected the approved “Ultra Pets,” which were crafted to be forever pets, never needing to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, or die.

This game lets us battle through hordes of the Adorable Army, parkour our way through every corner for collectibles with our trusty hoverboard, and, of course, “play as a badass cat.”

What do you think? Are you excited to see what Gori and F.R.A.N.K. have in store for us? Let us know below!

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